2023美國南加州大學寒假研習課程( International Student Winter Program; ISWP)

轉知美國南加州州立大學 (University of Southern California, Mann School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences)
111學年度寒假舉辦研習課程(2023.01.30-2023.02.05),本次研習將採取視訊課程 (2023 International Student Winter Program; ISWP)

課程的內容整合型課程為主,包括:藥物開發 (Drug development),臨床藥學 (Clinical Pharmacy),法規科學 (Regulatory Science) 等。同學可以藉此機會,感受南加大教授上課的風采,並且與不同國家的藥學生,一起線上討論,從藥物開發,一直到藥物上市為臨床病人所使用,等一系列的內容,課程內容相當豐富。


2023 International Student Winter Program; ISWP 報名資訊

報名地點卓越大樓8樓藥學系辦公室 張小姐
(聯絡方式 04-22053366分機:5800/ email addressmling@mail.cmu.edu.tw)
上課時間1/30(一)-2/5(日), 2023
簡章 (請點)
Program Fee (one-week virtual program): $300 US
A discount rate of $250/student if 5 or more students enroll from a partner institution
Winter program fee includes all program/admin fees and coursework preparation and delivery by instructors

To accommodate different time zones, and based on our instructor availability, we have scheduled the program as follows:
(All times in Pacific Standard Time)

Monday, January 30: 19.00-22.00
Tuesday, January 31: 19.00-22.00
Wednesday, February 1: 19.00-22.00
Thursday, February 2: 19.00-22.00
Sunday, February 5: 19.00-22.00


如有相關問題敬請與許明志老師聯絡 ( email addresssoybean13mtdtw@gmail.com)